New Year, New Art...

Hello 2021!

It’s been a very long time since I’ve written on my blog. Recently, I’ve received a lot of positive feedback about how my blog has helped other artists and entrepreneurs. That makes me so happy and has inspired me to get back to writing my thoughts down and sharing them with you.

Last year went by so fast and slow - all at the same time. Although we are in the last week of January, I still feel like the year is only just beginning. I’ve definitely been hibernating. Perhaps it was the inauguration of a new president on January 20th that has given me the hope and energy I usually feel on January 1st. I’m almost ready to come out of my little cave :)

This year, I am evolving and my art is evolving too. I’ve had a lot of conversations with artist friends about sharing authentically as an artist. Last year, I was very active on Instagram (@lys.artist) and I thought I was sharing a lot but looking back, I realize that I’m hiding a lot of myself. Recently, I’ve been called to explore different mediums and follow the fun. I’ve been inspired to work with embroidery, fabric, paint, watercolor, block-printing, ink and so much more. It has felt freeing and I feel like I am fully stepping into embodying my inner artist - the artist that I was hiding from myself and others. Beads will always be my first love but I’ve been feeling a little confined by them at the moment. So I’m allowing myself time to explore, experiment, get inspired, and find new loves.

Here are a few things I’ve been exploring:

01/25/2021 - Pleasure: Made with magazines, acrylic, ink, pencil.

01/25/2021 - Pleasure: Made with magazines, acrylic, ink, pencil. This art journaling technique was inspired by a class I took with my talented artist friend, Yasmin. I have a feeling that this has ignited a whole new practice for me. I love that this process is messy, intuitive, full of surprises, and very forgiving (due to all the layers).


Last year, I explored more heavily with mosaic portraits thanks to amazing artists at The Mosaic Workshop. We completed a series of 17 Women of Color activists. I contributed with these three portraits - my very first mosaic pieces. It was surprisingly similar to beadwork but MUCH faster. I had so much fun and I’m excited to continue working on more mosaics this year.

1/2/2021: On Another Planet - I took a block printing class this winter and carved this piece. After printing, I added embroidery thread and beads. It’s my fist attempt at block printing and I’m very happy with the result. I love the grainy effect a…

1/2/2021: On Another Planet - I took a block printing class this winter and carved this piece. After printing, I added embroidery thread and beads. It’s my fist attempt at block printing and I’m very happy with the result. I love the grainy effect and natural texture that the block printing process presents.

Being an artist and entrepreneur offers so many lessons - emotional, spiritual, and practical. The lesson that I see here is to follow the FUN. As adults, fun isn’t as important as it once was. We don’t often prioritize it. I genuinely believe it is one of the easiest avenues towards creating your best life. When you have fun you are truly living, creating, and loving. Do you want to change your mind, your outlook, your outcomes, your patterns, your relationships? Start with fun.